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Jan 7, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 6, 2004  

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:02pm.  

SUBJECT: Building Permit Questions
Present: Building Inspector; Dave Paveglio

Mr. Kelly could not make tonight’s meeting, however he did speak to the Chairman who discussed the Board’s concerns regarding the conditions on his building permit on Ferrin Road.  Mr. Kelly will forward a letter to the Board stating he is aware of the zoning requirements and limitations of this permit.  

Mr. Paveglio asked the Board for direction in how to determine the wetland boundaries on existing lots.  Currently, the only resource available to him is the tax maps.  He does not have a copy of the Merrimack County Soil Maps.  Lisa will call Merrimack County and inquire about purchasing a set for the building inspector.  The Board of Selectmen recommends Mr. Paveglio getting on the agenda for the next Planning Board meeting to clarify procedure for determining wetland distances.  

SUBJECT: 2004 Proposed Budget
PRESENT: Budget Committee members- Marie McKay, Steve MacCleery, John Martell, Walter Sanborn and Bruce Dyke, Police Officer Bob Kitson

Police Department - Officer Kitson was present to discuss the recent proposed changes to the Police Department proposal as a result of Chief Clarke’s deployment to Iraq. The Budget Committee was given the handout Chief Clarke and Bob discussed with the Selectmen at last week’s board meeting.  Much discussion ensued involving both options.  The group agreed to budget for the worst case scenario and let the voters decide in March if they want to continue with the same level of coverage at this cost or vote for the lesser option of trying to maintain coverage with two additional part time officers.  Officer Kitson will work with Chief Clarke’s on pricing the full package cost of hiring an additional full time officer and pricing the option of two additional part time officers.  The group would like to see an explanation of this in a handout for town meeting. Officer Kitson’s promotion to Lieutenant will not be an added cost because current budget projections include money for overtime, so in essence this cost is a wash.  Additional hours for the Police Department Administrative Assistant were in the original proposal.  The Chief would like these to begin as soon as possible due to the additional administrative duties she is now responsible for.   

Highway Department Budget – The Road Agent dropped off a revised budget proposal for the groups review.  The Selectmen and the Budget Committee would like to see a breakdown in salaries for hours to be worked in the upcoming year by both full time and part time personnel.  Motion Walter Sanborn and seconded by Chairman Colbert to reduce line 4311-10(Payroll) by $2000.00(two thousand dollars).  7 yes/1 no – Motion carried.  

Highway’s Warrant Articles were reviewed and discussed at length. The Road Agent would like to purchase a 1-ton truck with plow and sander; continue work on Hutchinson Road, repair and repave Center Road and enter into a lease purchase for a 6 wheel dump truck with plow and sander.  

The Road Agent also recommended continued funding for the following Capital Reserve Funds; Town Roads- $75,000; Town Bridges $20,000; Highway Heavy Equipment $15,000.

Planning Board Budget – The Planning Board has proposed a stipend for their Chairman.  
Motion Walter Sanborn and seconded by Bruce Dyke to amend the amount of the stipend to $500.00(five hundred dollars).  Motion to amend the stipend to $1000.00(one thousand dollars) made by John Martell and seconded by Marie McKay. Second amendment to amend stipend for the chairman of the Planning Board to $1,000(one thousand dollars) passed; 5 yes/3 no.

The proposal for the janitorial services was reviewed again.  Lisa has consulted with the town’s insurance carrier and discovered this is included.  The group accepted her proposal.  Usage of the grange and costs for such were discussed.  This is something the Board would like to look into further.  

On January 20, 2004 the Selectmen will meet with the Budget Committee and review the following budgets- Fire Department(they will attend to give a presentation on their warrant article proposal for a full time Fire Chief); Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Police and Selectmen’s.  The Public Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10, 2004.  

Richard withdrew the Recreation Commission’s proposed warrant article.  The insurance company is processing the claim from the lightning strike.  This money will be used to repair the well and Pavilion at Carpenter Park.   A new warrant article will be submitted.


Due to the lateness of the hour, the Board scheduled a work session for Thursday, January 8, 2004 at noon at the library.  

The Board reviewed the new lawsuit received January 5, 2004.

The audit is scheduled for January 13th and 14th.

The Board signed appointment papers for the new Welfare Officer, Donna Stockman.

Minutes of December 30, 2003 were approved as corrected.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                        APPROVED AS CORRECTED